Ko te whakaurunga whakahou te tikanga ko te whakaaro mo te take

Tauwāhi Whakaputanga: Me tino tirohia e te waahi whakaurunga te waahi waahi me te tahora, kia whai kiko ai te whakahaere Airflow. Ko nga waahi e whai ake nei he pai ake te karo; Te riihitanga o te hau e mura ana, he hau whakahihi ranei i te taiao: nga mara hiko hiko, nga mara hiko, tika; He ngawari ki te whakaputa haruru, te wiri; Ko te ra tika, te nui o te pāmahana wera o te pāmahana; Ka tere te tae o nga tamariki ki te waahi. Ano, ko te mea pai kia kaua e whakauru i te hau, te hukarere me te ua.

Ko te waahanga o waho: ko te waahanga o waho me te tawhiti atu i nga tatau o te roopu e tata ana, ko te matapihi me te tawhiti e whai ake ana i te pouaka whakaata.

Te whenua utaina: Ko te mata whakaurunga o te pouaka koreutu kia kaha, kia kaha, kia kaha te kaha o te kawenga. A, no te mata o te whakaurunga ko te pakitara tawhito o te tuanui ranei o te whare, me eke te pereki totika, te raima, te kaha ranei e rite ana ki te mata whakauru. Ko te kounga o te taiapa e mau ana i te pouaka pouaka me tuhi ano hoki.

Hononga Piki: Ko te pupi papura papura o te hau o te hau me te maaka o te kaimoana e kawe ana i te tohanga toto, kaore i te he ki te kohakore penei i nga taarai me nga kohao one. Ko te hononga ki te atanga o roto, o waho hoki ko te kaupapa nui ki te whakaurunga o nga miihini toa. When connecting the bell of the copper tube, it should be aligned and corrected, and the direction and bending degree should be reasonable, and the compaction should be successful, and the force should be just right, and it is easy to crack if the force is big, and it will leak fluorine if the force is small (the international allowable leakage is 3% to 5%).

Te wa tuku: Nov-20-2023